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Too high brightness validation.

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Too low brightness validation.

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Validator of the Document Auto Capture detection data.

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data class DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters(val detectionAreaImageSize: ImageSize, val document: DocumentDetector.Document?, val travelDocumentType: TravelDocumentType?, val mrzRecognitionResult: MrzRecognitionResult?)

Image frame parameters of the Document Auto Capture.

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class DocumentNotDetectedValidator(minConfidenceThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_MIN_CONFIDENCE) : DocumentAutoCaptureDetectionValidator

Document presence validation.

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class DocumentOutOfBoundsValidator(minCornerDistanceToImageShorterSideRatioThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_MIN_CORNER_DISTANCE_TO_IMAGE_SHORTER_SIDE_RATIO) : DocumentAutoCaptureDetectionValidator

Document position validation.

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Too high hotspots score validation.

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Validates if MRZ is present in the sample.

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class MrzNotValidValidator(isMrzPresent: IsMrzPresent = DefaultIsMrzPresent()) : DocumentAutoCaptureDetectionValidator

Validates if MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) is valid only if it's present. If MRZ is not present, validation succeeds.

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data class MrzRecognitionResult(val rawLines: List<String>, val machineReadableZone: MachineReadableZone?)

Result of MRZ recognition.

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Too low sharpness validation.

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class SizeTooSmallValidator(minEdgeLengthToImageShorterSideRatioThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_MIN_EDGE_LENGTH_TO_IMAGE_SHORTER_SIDE_RATIO) : DocumentAutoCaptureDetectionValidator

Too small size validation.