
fun Configuration(validators: List<FaceAutoCaptureDetectionValidator>, minValidFramesInRowToStartCandidateSelection: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_VALID_FRAMES_IN_ROW_TO_START_CANDIDATE_SELECTION, candidateSelectionDurationMillis: Int = DEFAULT_CANDIDATE_SELECTION_DURATION_MILLIS, detectionNormalizedRectangle: RectangleDouble? = null, sessionToken: String? = null)



Minimum number of valid frames in a row to start candidate selection. Default value is 2.


Duration of candidate selection in milliseconds. Default value is 1000.


Rectangle of a submitted image (via the FaceAutoCaptureController.process method) where a face should be detected. The rectangle defines an area inside the image. E.g. if you post images of size 1080x1920 and you want to ignore top and bottom areas, you can use the detectionNormalizedRectangle as follows: RectangleDouble.of(0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.75)`. Source image is used if detectionNormalizedRectangle is not defined.


Session token provided by DIS (Digital Identity Service). Set the session token if the result should be posted to DIS for evaluation. Default value is null.*