Eye Gaze Liveness UI component.
A visual component for capturing images suitable for Eye Gaze Liveness evaluation.
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data class Configuration @JvmOverloads constructor( val cameraFacing: CameraFacing = CameraFacing.FRONT, val isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false, val faceSizeRatioInterval: IntervalDouble = IntervalDouble(0.1, 0.3), val corners: List<Corner>, val minValidSamplesCount: Int = 4, val transitionType: EyeGazeLivenessFragment.Configuration.TransitionType = TransitionType.MOVE, val transitionDurationMillis: Int = 800, val query: FaceDetectionQuery = FaceDetectionQuery(), val sessionToken: String? = null)
Configuration for the Eye Gaze Liveness UI component.
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Called when all specified corners has been used, but accepted sample count has not been reached. Once this callback is called, the whole process is considered to be over.
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Called when the process is unable to continue. Either the face is not detected anymore or the eyes are not visible clearly. Once this callback is called, the whole process is considered to be over.
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Called only once for the whole process. Once this callback is called, the whole process is considered to be over.
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Called when a camera image is processed.
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Provide Configuration for the Eye Gaze Liveness UI component.