
data class Configuration @JvmOverloads constructor(val cameraFacing: CameraFacing = CameraFacing.FRONT, val isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false, val faceSizeRatioInterval: IntervalDouble = IntervalDouble(0.1, 0.3), val corners: List<Corner>, val minValidSamplesCount: Int = 4, val transitionType: EyeGazeLivenessFragment.Configuration.TransitionType = TransitionType.MOVE, val transitionDurationMillis: Int = 800, val query: FaceDetectionQuery = FaceDetectionQuery(), val sessionToken: String? = null)

Configuration for the Eye Gaze Liveness UI component.


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fun Configuration(cameraFacing: CameraFacing = CameraFacing.FRONT, isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false, faceSizeRatioInterval: IntervalDouble = IntervalDouble(0.1, 0.3), corners: List<Corner>, minValidSamplesCount: Int = 4, transitionType: EyeGazeLivenessFragment.Configuration.TransitionType = TransitionType.MOVE, transitionDurationMillis: Int = 800, query: FaceDetectionQuery = FaceDetectionQuery(), sessionToken: String? = null)



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Front or back camera facing. Default value is CameraFacing.FRONT.

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List of corners which defines where the user should look. Minimum allowed size of the list is equal to minValidSamplesCount.

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Face size to shorter preview container side ratio interval. Default value is [0.1, 0.3].

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val isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false

If torch is enabled during the process. If the camera doesn't have a flash unit, then this setting will be ignored. Default value is false.

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Minimum number of valid samples (images) required to finish the process. Allowed value is from interval [4, 7]. Default value is 4.

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Query for extra evaluations. It allows for additional processing beyond basic face detection. The default, FaceDetectionQuery, signifies no extra evaluations and is optimized for speed.

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val sessionToken: String? = null

Session token provided by DIS (Digital Identity Service). Set the session token if the result should be posted to DIS for evaluation. Default value is null.

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Duration of each transition in milliseconds. Default value is 800.

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Transition type between segments. Default value is TransitionType.MOVE.