
data class Configuration @JvmOverloads constructor(    val nfcKey: NfcKey,     val authorityCertificatesFilePath: String? = null,     val activeAuthenticationChallenge: ByteArray? = null,     isDebugInfoEnabled: Boolean = false) : Serializable

Configuration of NFC reading for NfcTravelDocumentReaderFragment.


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fun Configuration(    nfcKey: NfcKey,     authorityCertificatesFilePath: String? = null,     activeAuthenticationChallenge: ByteArray? = null,     isDebugInfoEnabled: Boolean = false)


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int


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Random 8 bytes. If the Active Authentication challenge is set, Active Authentication protocol will be used for the authentication of the chip (if supported by the chip). Response (signature) will be returned in the TravelDocument data class. This response should be validated by the application server to verify the authenticity of the chip. In case when the Active Authentication protocol is not supported by the chip, the chip will be authenticated the same way as if the argument activeAuthenticationChallenge is not set. Default value is null.

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The pathname of the file with certificates of trusted authorities. Certificates are required to successfully authenticate data in the chip. Default value is null.

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The NfcKey used for reading NFC data.