data class Configuration(val cameraFacing: CameraFacing = CameraFacing.BACK, val cameraPreviewScaleType: CameraPreviewScaleType = CameraPreviewScaleType.FIT, val isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false, val qualityAttributeThresholds: QualityAttributeThresholds = QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard, val isDetectionLayerVisible: Boolean = false, val sessionToken: String? = null)
Configuration for the Palm Auto Capture UI component.
camera Facing
Front or back camera facing. Default value is CameraFacing.BACK.
camera Preview Scale Type
Camera preview scale type. Default value is CameraPreviewScaleType.FIT.
is Torch Enabled
If torch is enabled during the process. If the camera doesn't have a flash unit, then this setting will be ignored. Default value is false
quality Attribute Thresholds
Quality attribute thresholds. Default value is QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard.
is Detection Layer Visible
If detection UI layer (tracking rectangle) is visible. Default value is false
session Token
Session token provided by DIS (Digital Identity Service). Set the session token if the result should be posted to DIS for evaluation. Default value is null
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fun Configuration(cameraFacing: CameraFacing = CameraFacing.BACK, cameraPreviewScaleType: CameraPreviewScaleType = CameraPreviewScaleType.FIT, isTorchEnabled: Boolean = false, qualityAttributeThresholds: QualityAttributeThresholds = QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard, isDetectionLayerVisible: Boolean = false, sessionToken: String? = null)